To make a food donation please call Allison Kinyua at (617) 446-3458
Here's our kitchen wishlist!
Send Checks to:
Boston Rescue Mission
P.O. Box 120069
Boston MA 02112-0069
When Everything Came Crashing Down

Hello. Daniel here. The Mission has given me a foundation to restart my life the right way. For so long, I couldn’t cope with the memories and feelings of so much that went wrong.
Life started out ok for the most part. I played sports, graduated high school, began work in HVAC, and stayed away from the bad crowd. I got married, but that relationship couldn’t grow, and we divorced. A year later, I tried drugs for the first time, and started drinking more heavily. Painkillers came next-- first the small doses, then larger ones. Then I tried heroin for the first time. I told myself I would never use heroin. That led me to detox, and a new desire to make good choices.
But into another relationship I went. She introduced me to drugs in a way I hadn’t experienced before. I knew that staying clean would be very difficult around her, so I left and moved in with my uncle. He died of cirrhosis of the liver about a month later. Then the wheels came off. Coping with the memories in that apartment was too much, and I drowned my feelings in drugs. Then I lost a cousin who had been sober for 9 months, and that really shook me. Friends reached out and tried to help, but the disease was too strong. I became homeless and lived on the streets for a month.
Soul-searching time. I entered detox, dove headfirst into Alcoholics Anonymous, kept sober for several months, and checked into the Boston Rescue Mission. The staff helps out, making sure our journey is following the proper plan. People who live here may have a tough exterior, but inside we’re kind, caring, and will do what we can to help each other.
To you who support the Mission’s guests and residents, thank you so much. It’s because of you that struggling folks like me can get help here while other places are closing.